** About me **

Nome: Mariana Coroa
Idade:14 anos
Cidade: coimbra city
Gosto de: tar no pc, na net; sair; nao estudar; tar com pessoas q me façam rir
Detesto: todo o tipo de pessoas fúteis, e detesto... FAVAS xD

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** Monday, April 17, 2006 **

heeeyy! lOl pois e o meu primo casou-ss! e eu tive a divertir-m km a minha prima... dançams de TUDO! xD knd digo td e td mmo! xD
fikei la ate as n sei kntas smp a dançar.... foi bue fixe mais a noite a dançar puntzz puntzz km o pê, a bota, o francisco, o meu irmao e o espanha k ja tava a cair de bebado! XD
dps comi cenas boas xD e prnt sobre o casamnt e so...
sobre as aulas tenho 2 coisas a dizer....
school suckss!!!!!! ..... and teachers TOO!
ms tems de nos animar , vem ai a keima... epoca de feriads pr isso:P
ah e sof dps tems de combinar knd e k eu vou ai ver o saw2=P e a biankinhaaa a tua tangerina !! wtf...xD
CMAF1!!! YAY JA SOMS TRES n desistam....
ppa km kiser ingressar .... basta ODIAR favas! ... xD
RUNESCAPE YAYY! - coroa2!! =P=P

uns homerisms!

"As far as anyone knows, we're a nice normal family."7G04 - There's No Disgrace Like Home

"The code of the schoolyard Marge! The rules that teach a boy to be a man! Let's see; don't tattle, always make fun of those different from you, never say anything unless you're sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do."7G05 - Bart the General

"Wait a minute. It's the guy from TV. My kid's hero...Cruddy...Crummy...Krusty the Clown!"7G12 - Krusty Gets Busted

"See these? American donuts. Glazed, powered, and raspberry-filled. Now, how's that for freedom of choice."7G13 - The Crepes of Wrath

"The three little sentences that will get you through life. Number one, 'Cover for me'. Number two, 'Oh, good idea boss'. Number three, 'It was like that when I got here'."
7G07 - One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish

comentem sim?*
bjos******** pa tds os meus amigoos =P =D

posted by Dark_Huntress at 10:15 AM