** About me **

Nome: Mariana Coroa
Idade:14 anos
Cidade: coimbra city
Gosto de: tar no pc, na net; sair; nao estudar; tar com pessoas q me façam rir
Detesto: todo o tipo de pessoas fúteis, e detesto... FAVAS xD

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** Wednesday, February 14, 2007 **

olaaas =)*
Bem era so pa avisar q n tou a postar por nenhuma razao especial, n e por ser dia de sao Valentim ou qualquer uma dessas tretas xD

Bem acho q da pa reparar e tal :P corte de cabelo novo xD e a outra foto e do site da deviant art... achei giro :)

Epa pronto eu n sei bm o q dizer e tal... e so q n posto ha bue xD... n tenho la mt jeito pa estas coisas

huh quanto as notas, basicamente uma bosta

tb ando a ficar uma "ipod addicted", tanto que ja quase nem falamos... lool so ouvimos musica...

o dia de hj:

1- Moral - vender doces do S.valentim, comi um chupa e agra doi-me um dente
2- EF, a FDP da stora comenta todos os meus movimentos, e depois no basket ng nos passava a bola xD, prnt o volei ate foi girinho
3- Seca toda a tarde, stora de frc + stora de geo e bla bla
4- YAY tive muito bom a TIC \o/... -_- tb s n fosse isso n sei o q e q era

e pronto LOL
ja falta pouco pa visita de paris ^^
acho q n ha nda a dizer excepto q vos adoro ^^

Maf e sof, vamos mase andar a porrada! :P

warning warning "stewie's quotes" ( stewie da serie family guy)

Stewie: Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but you're a total bitch.

Guy on Airplane: Oh great, I always end up sitting next to a damn baby.
Stewie: What did you just say?
Lois: Stewie, stop fussing.
Stewie: Pipe down Lois. (Slaps guy on head.) Hey big man, turn around. Oh you can't hear me now. I was going to watch the movie, but forget it. For the next 5 hours, you're my bitch.

Brian: You're drunk.

Stewie: You're sexy.

Stewie's Letter: Dear stupid dog, I've gone to live with the children on jolly farm. Good bye forever. Stewie.
P.S. I never got a chance to return that sweater Lois gave me for Christmas. Umm, I left the receipt on top of my bureau. I'm probably over the thirty day return limit but umm… I'm sure if you make a fuss they'll at least give you a store credit or something. Umm.. It's actually not a horrible sweater. It's... It's just I can't imagine when I would ever wear it you know? Oh I also left a button on the bureau. I'm not sure what it goes to, but I can never bring myself to throw a button away. I know that as soon as I do I'll find the garment it goes to and then it'll… Wait a minute, could it be from the sweater? Did that sweater have buttons? Hmm… Well I should wrap this up before I start to ramble. Again, goodbye forever.
P.P.S. You know, it might be a little chilly in London, I'm actually going to take the sweater

xD depois ponho mais


posted by Dark_Huntress at 1:23 PM